Cockroaches and mice are most afraid of this. Just put it in the corner of the room and no one will dare to appear.-91

Try applying these tips to safely repel cockroaches and mice from your home to ensure environmental hygiene and the health of the whole family.

1. Orange, lemon, mint peels

Pests in the house such as mice and cockroaches do not like the strong scent of lemon, orange, and mint peels. Therefore, just place a handful of these leaves directly anywhere you suspect there are insects or harmful animals, and they will automatically go elsewhere.

2. Bay Leaves

The strong scent of bay leaves can deter cockroaches and mice from entering cupboards and kitchen areas. Additionally, you can mix lemon juice with a little filtered water and spray it in areas where cockroaches and mice often visit. This mixture does not work as quickly as chemicals, but it is a safe way to repel insects without causing harm to your health.

3. Coffee grounds

Take coffee grounds and mix them with water in order that the coffee grounds are wet but not submerged, then divide the mixture into jars with lids and place them wherever you suspect there are insects. They will be attracted by the smell of coffee and will crawl into the jar. The caffeine in coffee can remove many types of insects, especially cockroaches.

4. Garlic

Cockroaches and mice are most afraid of this, put it in the corner of the room and no one will come near.

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